Buch Monografie

The Penguin atlas of women in the world

Verfasst von: Seager, Joni
New York, NY [u. a.]: Penguin Books , 2009 , 128 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Seager, Joni
Ausgabe: 4. ed., completely rev. and updated
Jahr: 2009
ISBN: 0143114514
Sprache: Englisch
In this revised edition of her ground-breaking atlas, Joni Seager draws on a vast amount of new global data to explore the key issues facing women today: equality, motherhood, feminism, beauty, culture, women at work, women in the global economy, changing households, domestic violence, murder, time budgets, children, lesbian rights, women in government, migration, literacy, property and poverty, and more.
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