Buch Monografie

Red lights : the lives of sex workers in postsocialist China

Verfasst von: Zheng, Tiantian
Minneapolis, Minn.: Univ. of Minnesota Press , 2009 , 293 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Zheng, Tiantian
Jahr: 2009
ISBN: 0816659036
Sprache: Englisch
The book is a revealing and intimate study of rural Chinese women working in an urban sex trade. In China today, sex work cannot be untangled from the phenomenon of rural–urban migration, the entertainment industry, and state power. In Red Lights, Tiantian Zheng highlights the urban karaoke bar as the locus at which these three factors intersect and provides a rich account of the lives of karaoke hostesses—a career whose name disguises the sex work and minimizes the surprising influence these women often have as power brokers.
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