Buch Monografie

Slavery in art and literature : approaches to trauma, memory and visuality

Verfasst von: Haehnel, Birgit
Berlin: Frank & Timme , 2010 , 351 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Haehnel, Birgit
Herausgegeben von: Haehnel, Birgit
Schriftenreihe: Kulturwissenschaften
Jahr: 2010
Maße: 210 mm x 148 mm
ISBN: 3865962432
Sprache: Englisch
Slavery, both in its historical and modern forms, continues to be a matter of undiminished political and social relevance. This is mirrored by an increasing interest in scholarly research as well as by critical statements from within the field of contemporary art. The present volume is designed to bring together artists and scholars from various fields of study discussing trauma and visuality, or more precisely, memory and denial of traumatic history within visual discourses. The purpose of this project is to put the phenomenon of contemporary art production dealing with the issue of slavery into a wider, interdisciplinary and transcultural context. The book covers current case studies focusing on different media and including visual, literary and performative approaches of dealing with the history of slavery in West-African, American and European cultures. BIRGIT HAEHNEL Slavery, Trauma and Visual Representation * BIRGIT HAEHNEL Sklaverei, Trauma und Bildlichkeit * MELANIE ULZ Slavery in Art and Literature * MELANIE ULZ Sklaverei in Kunst und Literatur * MARTINA KOPF Trauma, Narrative and the Art of Witnessing * VIKTORIA SCHMIDT-LINSENHOFF On and Beyond the Colour Line * DETLEF HOFFMANN Traces of Traumatisation in the Visual Arts * PÉLAGIE GBAGUIDI The Black Code * MELANIE ULZ The Guilty Ship. Memory and Cultural Denial in a Post-Abolitionist Society * ZOE WHITLEY Reflecting Slavery in Design. Towards a Contemporary View * LE GRACE BENSON Trauma and Victory; Absence and Memory in Haitian Art * ADELHEID PICHLER The Theme of Slavery in Contemporary Cuban Art * HEIKE KUHLMANN To be looked at * JOSEPH ADANDÉ Memory of Slavery in Contemporary Beninese Art * DIDIER HOUÉNOUDÉ Monuments and Locations of Memory in Senegal and Benin * MELANIE ULZ Slavery, Politics and Reception: Romuald Hazoumé’s La Bouche du Roi * BIRGIT HAEHNEL Getting Under the Skin—Circling Around a “Slave Sublime” * SABINE BROECK Textual and Visual Repertoires of Trauma: Beloved’s Memory in Novel and Film * CHRISTIAN J. KRAMPE Visualizing Invisibility, Reversing Anonymity: A Case Study in African- Canadian Literature
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