Buch Monografie

Romance on the road : traveling women who love foreign men

Verfasst von: Belliveau, Jeannette
Baltimore, Md.: Beau Monde Press , 2006 , 410 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Belliveau, Jeannette
Jahr: 2006
Maße: 21,5 cm
ISBN: 096523441X
Sprache: Englisch
This book is a about a phenomenon that affects hundreds of thousands of traveling women and foreign men: Instant vacation love affairs that banish loneliness, provide cultural insights, offer one-on-one, hand-to-hand foreign aid to the world's poor, create international children and sometimes even change the course of history. It reveals how the rules that once bound women to choose only "socially appropriate" mates have begun to crumble, as female executives and heiresses gallivant with penniless but charming beach boys around the world, from Kenya to Jamaica to Thailand. Author Jeannette Belliveau examines all facets of romance on the road, with chapters on every world region known to attract female sex travelers (from Southern Europe to the Caribbean, Africa, India, Southeast Asia, Latin America,the Middle East and Oceania), an extensive look at the reasons for love journeys, stunning new material on women who traveled for love in centuries past, and roundups on typical experiences, portrayals in film and literature, ethics, etiquette and health, and predictions for the future.
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