Buch Monografie

Turkey's engagement with global women's human rights

Verfasst von: Kardam, Nüket
Aldershot [u. a.]: Ashgate , 2005 , 197 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Kardam, Nüket
Schriftenreihe: Gender in a global / local world
Jahr: 2005
Maße: 22 cm
ISBN: 0754641686
Sprache: Englisch
In this book Nüket Kardam exams the rise of global women's human rights movement and discusses Turkey's involvement in this movement. Kardam looks at gender norms in Turkey and how they are constructed. The volume examines whether a gender equality regime exists and looks into the Turkish attempt at compliance. It analyzes the tension between abstract universalism, Western enlightenment values, and local values and identities, including the role of Islam regarding women's rights. The study also includes research on the women's movement in Turkey, its discourses and its relationship with the state from the 1980s onwards, during which time multilateral and bilateral donors, and the European Union came to exert more influence, and new civil society partnerships were formed with the state. Other topics that are being addressed in this book are violence against women and women's participation in local governance.
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