Buch Monografie

Marabout women in Dakar : creating trust in a rural urban space

Verfasst von: Gemmeke, Amber B.
Wien ; Zürich ; Berlin ; Münster: Lit , 2008 , 242 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Gemmeke, Amber B.
Schriftenreihe: Mande worlds
Jahr: 2008
Maße: 23 cm
ISBN: 3825813495
Sprache: Englisch
This ethnographic study explores the life and work of successful marabout women in Dakar. It is set against the background of their private family lives, of developments in Senegalese society, and of global changes. While including female experts in spirit possession and plant-based healing, it also gives a rare insight in the work of women who offer Islamic knowledge such as Arabic astrology, numerology, divination and prayer sessions. With the analysis of marabout women's work this study sheds light on the ways in which women's authority in esoteric knowledge is negotiated, legitimated, and publicly recognised in Dakar. The study focuses especially upon marabout women's strategies to gain their clients' trust. Reference to rural areas is a significant element in this process. This study thus contributes to an understanding of the gendered way in which trust and scepticism are related to marabouts' work and of the role of a connection between Dakar and the rural areas therein.
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