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Einrichtung: FrauenMediaTurm | Köln
Signatur: Z-F045:1989-1
Formatangabe: Zeitschriftenschwerpunktheft
Herausgegeben von: McAlister, Linda Lopez; Simons, A. Margaret; Bishop, Kim; Blackston, Mary Ellen; Lu, Xiufen; Shen, Aimin
In: Hypatia : a journal of feminist philosophy
Jahr: 1989
Heft: 1
ISSN: 0887-5367
ZDBID: 232455-6
List of content:
  • Preface S. vii

    Some remarks on exploring the history of women in philosophy (Linda Lopez McAlister) S. 1

    A christian martyr in reverse ; Hypatia : 370-415 AD (Ursule Molinaro) S. 6

    Educating for silence : renaissance women and the language arts (Joan Gibson) S. 9

    The three princesses (Beatrice H. Zedler) S. 28

    Anee Viscountess Conway : a seventeenth century rationalist (Jane Duran) S. 64

    Damaris Cudworth Masham : a seventeenth century feminist philosopher (Lois Frankel) S. 80

    Anna Doyle Wheeler : philosopher, socialist, feminist (Margaret McFadden) S. 91

    Evolutionary theory in the social philosophy of Charlotte Perkins Gilman (Maureen L. Egan) S. 102

    Edith Stein's philosophy of woman and of women's education (Mary Catharine Baseheart) S. 120

    On not teaching the history of philosophy (Mary Ellen Waithe) S. 132

    Does marriage require a head? Some historical arguments (Linda A. Bell) S. 139

    Review symposium

    Feminist archeology : uncovering women's philosophical history (Mary Anne Warren) S. 155

    On a history of women philosophers (R. M. Dancy) S. 160

    Book reviews

    "The concept of woman" by Sr. Prudence Allen (Linda Damico) S. 171

    "Sarah Grimke : letters on the equality of the sexes and other essays" edited by Elizabeth Ann Bartlett (Judith Ochshorn) S. 175

    Notes on contributors S. 181

    Announcements S. 184

    Submission guidelines S. 191
  • Sprache: Deutsch
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