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Schriften von Torry Dickinson

1996 - ca 2000 , 3 cm

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Einrichtung: Kölner Frauengeschichtsverein | Köln
Bestell-Signatur: Best. 80 Mappe 243
Jahr: 1996 - ca 2000
Sprache: Nicht einzuordnen
Korrespondenz, Entwürfe und Artikel von Torry Dickinson (Women's Studies Program, Kansas State University); u.a. "The Workers' World: The Global Transformation of Women's and Men's Work. A Book Proposal, December 1996", mit zahlreichen Anmerkungen und Unterstreichungen von M.Mies; "Unexpected Feminist Revolutions of the 21St Century: Regional and Global Redefinitions of Non-Wage Work and the Rise of Women-Centered Movements", o.Dat., ca 1998, mit zahlreichen Anstreichungen von M.Mies; "Selective Globalization: The Relocation of Industrial Production and the Shaping of Women's Work", in: "1997 Social Sciences Catalog"; "Working Women and Their World: The New Global Work Hierarchy and Women's Struggles over Non-Wage Work", 1998; "Preparing to Understand Feminism in the Tweny-First Century: Global Social Change, Women's Work, and Women's Movements", veröff. in "Journal of World-Systems Research, Vol. 4, Number 2, Spring 1998", mit Unterstreichungen; "The Feminist Center of Global Labor Movements: A Look at Social Change in the Contemporary World", 1998; "Global Women's Movements: A World System Perspective", Buchartikel für "Social Problems of the Modern World", [2000]; "Torry Dickinson: Biografical Sketch", o.Dat.
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