
"Dakamerap"; "Educated guess": "Make yr life"; "America's sweetheart"; "The flame"; "The power out"; "Stand with the stillness of this day"; "The exorcist"; "Tasty"; "Too"; "Faking the books"; "Basslast Alltag meets the unfunk side of hiphop"; "This is not a test"; "Serendipity park"; "Murder time"; "Kila kila kila"; "More equal than others"; "Friends"; "You do the math". [CD-Rezension]

Verfasst von: Yun, Vina [weitere]
2004 , Heft: 5 , 5154-57 S.

Weitere Informationen

Einrichtung: STICHWORT | Wien
Signatur: Z 589
Verfasst von: Yun, Vina; Pernica, Nina
In: Fiber
Schriftenreihe: Fiber
Jahr: 2004
Heft: 5
Sprache: Nicht einzuordnen
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