Buch Monografie

Polygamy : a cross-cultural analysis

Oxford [u. a.]: Berg , 2008 , 206 S.
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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Zeitzen, Miriam Koktvedgaard
Ausgabe: 1. publ.
Jahr: 2008
ISBN: 1845202201
Sprache: Englisch
Forms of plural marriage, or polygamy, are practiced within most of the world's cultures and religions. The amazing variation, versatility and adaptability of polygamy underscore that it is not just an exotic non-Western practice, but also exists in modern Western societies. "Polygamy: A Cross-cultural Analysis" provides an examination and analysis of historical and contemporary polygamy. It outlines polygamy's place in anthropological theory and its rich sociocultural diversity in countries ranging from the USA and UK to Malaysia, India, regions of Africa and Tibet. "Polygamy" also addresses often difficult and controversial issues facing modern polygamists, such as prejudice, HIV/AIDS and women's emancipation. "Polygamy: A Cross-cultural Analysis" offers an anthropological overview of the fascinating yet often misunderstood institution of polygamy.
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