Buch Monografie

Poisoned flowers : the impacts of spiralling drug addiction on Palaung women in Burma

Tak: 2006 , 67 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Körperschaft: Palaung Women's Organisation
Jahr: 2006
Sprache: Englisch
The Palaung in northern Shan State are increasingly succumbing to high rates of drug addiction. The addiction is devastating Palaung communities, with particularly harsh consequences for women, for whom the addiction of husbands and sons compounds the existing burdens of severe gender discrimination. "Poisoned Flowers" is based on 88 interviews, mainly with wives of addicts in thirteen villages. The interviews reveal how families are being driven into poverty and destitution by men’s addiction. In one village surveyed, almost every adult male had become addicted to opium or heroin, including both fathers and sons. Already suffering from traditional gender inequality which dictates complete subordination to their husbands, Palaung women face multiple hardships when their husbands become addicted. Husbands not only stop providing for their families, but sell off property and possessions, go into debt, commit theft, and deal in drugs to pay for their addiction. Wives of addicts have few options as Palaung customary law is highly discriminatory, and divorce, if allowed, means fathers retain custody of children.
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