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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Herausgegeben von: Hélie, Anissa
Schriftenreihe: Dossier
Jahr: 2014
Sprache: Englisch
Women in Muslim societies tend to be at the forefront of organizing around issues of sexuality – they analyse existing social norms, debunk oppressive rationalisations, document violations, critique governmental policies or propose alternative frameworks. This Dossier offers a glimpse of the variety of sexuality-related issues which activists are engaging with. Authors address a range of themes – from the need to tackle cultural factors in HIV/AIDS prevention to strategies around ‘honour’ crimes; from bride kidnapping to drawing the links between female political leadership and dress codes; from women’s perceptions of abortion to the use of the internet as an advocacy tool for stigmatized sexualities; from organizing against rape in conflict to challenging inequalities affecting women in the reproductive health field; from the rise of institutionalized moral police corps to impotence as a legal ground in divorce settlements. Case studies offer insights from diverse contexts including Senegal, Sudan, the East African coast, Zanzibar, Georgia, Pakistan, Iran, Indonesia, Jordan, Turkey and the USA. Comprised of in-depth contributions, along with a few short factual reports, this Dossier explores how women, and some men, navigate the expectations and realities linked to sexuality and reproductive rights in their specific contexts. Contributors also highlight the many ways in which culture, religion, customs and sexual conduct intersect and they demonstrate that sexuality, far from being static, is the object of constant contestation and negotiation. Contents: Editorial Foreword (Anissa Hélie) Surviving in the spotlight: Gender and Sexuality in Shaping Women's Political lmage in Pakistan (Sadia Ahmed and Amina Samiuddin) Sexuality and Politics in Indonesia: How Democracy Failed Women (Homa Hoodfar) Organizing Around Rape Law Reform in Sudan (Fahima A. Hashim) The Laws of Marriage: Sexuality, Impotence, and Divorce Suits in Zanzibar's Islamic Courts (Erin E. Stiles) Communities and Control of Sexuality: Tackling So-called 'Honour' Crimes in Muslim Contexts (Anissa Hélie) Everyday Violence, Quotidian Grief: Patriarchal Bargains in Georgia's Pankisi Gorge (Rebecca Gould) Women's Bodies, Men's Decisions: Women's Control over Sexual and Reproductive Health in Pakistan (Fauzia Viqar and Fatima Saeed) Women and HIV/AIDS in Senegal: Impact of Traditional Practices Related to Sexuality (Codou Bop) A Study of Married Muslim Women's Practices and Perceptions of Termination of (suspected) Pregnancy in Jakarta, Indonesia (Raihana Nadra Alkaff) Gender, Sexuality and Religion in the Classroom: Reflections of an Educator (Shenila S. Khoja-Moolji) A Peer-Based Reproductive and Sexual Health Initiative for Muslim-identified Youth in Queens, New York City (Urooj Arshad) Cyber-activism and Sexuality: An Analysis of Middle Eastern Gay/Lesbian Websites as Social Movements (Ana Ghoreishian) "Sauti za Uhuru"? Women Singers and Self-Definition on the Coasts of East Africa (Aaron Louis Rosenberg) Letter to Mama (Salma)
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