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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Oso, Laura; Ribas-Mateos, Natalia
Schriftenreihe: International handbooks on gender
Jahr: 2013
ISBN: 178254772X
Sprache: Englisch
Das Handbuch gibt mit seinen überwiegend auf Feldforschung basierenden Beiträgen einen Überblick über den gegenwärtigen Forschungsstand zur Verknüpfung von Gender und Migration in einer globalisierten Welt. Die Beiträge untersuchen aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive den Einfluss globalen Wandels - und insbesondere der transnationalen Migrationsflüsse - auf die Produktions- und Reproduktionsketten. Besonderes Augenmerk wird der globalen Care-Arbeit gewidmet, und dabei wiederum den Trends, die Frauen in der gegenwärtigen Mobilitätsdynamik spielen. Wichtig ist auch der Einbezug innovativer theoretischer und methodischer Zugänge. Mit dem Sammelband liegt ein zentrales Werk für Studierende, Akademiker_innen, Forscher_innen vor, die sich mit der Überschneidung von Migrations- und Genderforschung beschäftigen, gleichzeitig liefert es wichtige Einsichten für lokale und nationale Regierungen, internationale Agenturen und deren Entscheidungsträger_innen. Contents: 1. An Introduction to a Global and Development Perspective: A Focus on Gender, Migration and Transnationalism - Laura Oso and Natalia Ribas-Mateos PART I: FRAMEWORK OF CHANGES IN GENDER, MIGRATION AND TRANSNATIONALISM FROM THE VANTAGE POINTS OF GLOBALIZATION AND DEVELOPMENT 2. Gender and International Migration: Globalization, Development and Governance - Lourdes Benería, Carmen Diana Deere and Naila Kabeer 3. Talking Culture: New Boundaries, New Rhetorics of Exclusion in Europe - Verena Stolcke 4. The Long Shadow of ‘Smart Economics’: The Making, Methodologies and Messages of the World Development Report 2012 - Sylvia Chant PART II: NEW THEORETICAL AND METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES IN THE STUDY OF FEMALE MIGRATION AND DEVELOPMENT 5. Gender, Andean Migration and Development: Analytical Challenges and Political Debates - Almudena Cortés 6. Theoretical Debates on Social Reproduction and Care: The Articulation between the Domestic and the Global Economy - Christine Verschuur PART III: GENDER, MIGRATION AND DEVELOPMENT THROUGH DIFFERENT CASE STUDIES 7. Gender, Development and Asian Migration in Spain: The Chinese Case - Amelia Sáiz López 8. Back to Africa: Second Chances for the Children of West African Immigrants - Caroline H. Bledsoe and Papa Sow 9. Transnational Return and Pendulum Migration Strategies of Moroccan Migrants: Intra-household Power Inequalities, Tensions and Conflicts of Interest - Hein de Haas and Tineke Fokkema PART IV: A PERSPECTIVE ON MIGRATION AND TRANSNATIONALISM 10. New Directions in Gender and Immigration Research - Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo 11. Women, Gender, Transnational Migrations and Mobility: Focus on Research in France - Christine Catarino and Mirjana Morokvasic 12. The Gendered Dynamics of Integration and Transnational Engagement Among Second-generation Adults in Europe - James D. Bachmeier, Laurence Lessard-Phillips and Tineke Fokkema 13. Gendered and Emotional Spaces: Nordic–Hellenic Negotiations of Ethno-cultural Belongingness in Narrating Segmented Selves and Diasporic Lives of the Second Generation - Anastasia Christou 14. Bolivian Migrants in Spain: Transnational Families from a Gender Perspective - Sònia Parella PART V: GLOBAL PRODUCTION 15. The Internationalization of Domestic Work and Female Immigration in Spain during a Decade of Economic Expansion, 1999–2008 - Elena Vidal-Coso and Pau Miret-Gamundi 16. Towards a Gender-sensitive Approach to Remittances in Ecuador - Diana Mata-Codesal 17. Remittances in the Spain–Ecuador Corridor: A Gendered Estimation through Bayesian Networks - Pilar Campoy-Muñoz, Melania Salazar-Ordóñez and Carlos R. García-Alonso PART VI: GLOBAL CARE CHAINS 18. Care and Feminized North–South and South–South Migration Flows: Denial of Rights and Limited Citizenship - María Luisa Setién and Elaine Acosta 19. What has Polanyi got to do with it? Undocumented Migrant Domestic Workers and the Usages of Reciprocity - Anna Safuta and Florence Degavre 20. Temporary Female Migrations through Transnational Family Networks: The Ethnographic Case of the Caregiver in Riffian Imazighen Women - Irina Casado i Aijón 21. Transnational Mobility and Family-building Decisions: A Case Study of Skilled Polish Migrant Women in the UK - Anna Cieslik
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