Buch Monografie

Gender in primary and secondary education : a handbook for policy-makers and other stakeholders

Verfasst von: Subrahmanian, Ramya
London: Commonwealth Secretariat , 2007 , 168 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Subrahmanian, Ramya
Schriftenreihe: New gender mainstreaming series on development issues
Jahr: 2007
ISBN: 0850928648
Sprache: Englisch
"Gender in Primary and Secondary Education" has been written in the context of rapidly expanding education systems worldwide, and particularly the rising enrolment of girls in schools. The author argues that now the challenge of gender mainstreaming goes beyond building schools and ensuring access, to sustaining these gains to secure the future of education for girls. Gender mainstreaming in education needs to address the more strategic questions of the relationship between education and wider development and change, and of the relationships between men and women in a rapidly changing world. The handbook is divided into six chapters: 1. Gender, Education and Development (Achievements and Gaps; Why Paying Attention to Gender and Education is Important) 2. Reframing the Education Policy Discourse: Rights, Capabilities and Empowerment (Gender Equality in Education: Framing a Substantive Approach; Widening the Scope of Gender and Education Interventions: Towards a Rights-based Approach) 3. The Gendered Construction of the Demand for Girls Education (Gender Inequalities and Education; Structural Determinants of Female Disadvantage in Education; Reproduction of Labour and its Relationship with Schooling) 4. Supply-side Constraints on Girls Schooling (Reproducing Society through the Education System; The Schooling Experience: Gender-based Violence; Teachers as Shapers of Gender Equality; The Hidden Curriculum; Boys and Girls in the Classroom: Gender Inequalities and Learning Outcomes; Policy Issues) 5. Policies and Programmes for Promoting Gender-equitable Schooling (Lessons from Experience) 6. Institutional Transformation and Gender Mainstreaming in Education (Why Gender Mainstreaming; Defining Gender Mainstreaming; Strategies for Mainstreaming Gender Equality; Mainstreaming Gender in the New International Aid Architecture)
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