Buch Sammelband

Feminist theory reader : local and global perspectives

Herausgegeben von: McCann, Carole R. [weitere]
New York, NY [u. a.]: Routledge , 2013 , 628 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Herausgegeben von: McCann, Carole R.; Kim, Seung-Kyung
Ausgabe: 3. ed., 1. publ.
Jahr: 2013
Maße: 26 cm
ISBN: 0415521017
Sprache: Englisch
The third edition of the Feminist Theory Reader anthologizes the important classical and contemporary works of feminist theory within a multiracial transnational framework. This edition includes 16 new essays; the editors have organized the readings into four sections, which challenge the prevailing representation of feminist movements as waves. Introductory essays at the beginning of each section lay out the framework that brings the readings together and provide historical and intellectual context. Contents: SECTION I Introduction: Theorizing Feminist Times and Spaces: I.1. Feminist Movements: Yosano Akiko, "The Day the Mountains Move" Nancy Hewitt, "Re-Rooting American Women’s Activism: Global Perspectives on 1848" Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex, " Introduction," Linda Nicholson, "Feminism in ‘Waves’: Useful Metaphor or Not?" Becky Thompson, "Multiracial Feminism: Recasting the Chronology of Second Wave Feminism," Amrita Basu, "Globalization of the Local/Localization of the Global: Mapping Transnational Women’s Movements" Michelle Rowley, "The Idea of Ancestry: Of Feminist Genealogies and Many Other Things" * I.2. Local Identities and Politics: Muriel Rukeyser, "The Poem as Mask" T. V. Reed, "The Poetical is the Political: Feminist Poetry and the Poetics of Women’s Rights" Deniz Kandiyoti, "Bargaining with Patriarchy" Carole Pateman, "Introduction: The Theoretical Subversiveness of Feminism" Elizabeth Martinez, "La Chicana" The Combahee River Collective, "A Black Feminist Statement" Shulamith Firestone, "The Culture of Romance" Charlotte Bunch, "Lesbians in Revolt" Sônia Correa and Rosalind Petchesky, "Reproductive and Sexual Rights: A Feminist Perspective" Leslie Feinberg, "Transgender Liberation: A Movement Whose Time Has Come" * SECTION II Introduction: Theorizing Intersecting Identities II.1. Social Processes/Configuring Differences: Bonnie Thornton Dill and Ruth Enid Zambrana, "Critical Thinking about Inequality: An Emerging Lens" Heidi Hartmann, "The Unhappy Marriage of Marxism and Feminism: Towards a More Progressive Union" Rhacel Salazar Parreñas, Servants of Globalization: Women, Migration, and Domestic Work Lila Abu-Lughod, "Orientalism and Middle East Feminist Studies" Mrinalini Sinha, "Gender and Nation" Monique Wittig, "One Is Not Born a Woman" R.W. Connell, "The Social Organization of Masculinity" * II.2. Boundaries and Belongings: Donna Kate Rushin, "The Bridge Poem" June Jordan, "Report from the Bahamas" Gloria Anzaldúa, "The New Mestiza Nation: A Multicultural Movement" Minnie Bruce Pratt, "Identity: Skin, Blood, Heart" Audre Lorde, "I am Your Sister: Black Women Organizing Across Sexualities" Lionel Cantu with Eithne Luibheid and Alexandra Minna Stern, "Well Founded Fear: Political Asylum and the Boundaries of Sexual Identity in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands" Leila Ahmed, "The Veil Debate Again" Obioma Nnaemeka, "Forward: Locating Feminisms/Feminists" Andrea Smith, "Native American Feminism, Sovereignty, and Social Change" Marie Matsuda, "Beside My Sister, Facing the Enemy: Legal Theory Out of Coalition" * SECTION III Introduction: Theorizing Feminist Knowledge and Agency * III.1. Standpoint Epistemologies/Situational Knowledges: Nancy C.M. Hartsock, "The Feminist Standpoint: Toward a Specifically Feminist Historical Materialism" Uma Narayan, "The Project of Feminist Epistemology: Perspectives from a Nonwestern Feminist" Patricia Hill Collins, "Defining Black Feminist Thought," Cheshire Calhoun, "Separating Lesbian Theory From Feminist Theory" Donna Haraway, "Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective" * III.2. Poststructuralist Epistemologies: Luce Irigaray, "This Sex Which is Not One" Lata Mani, "Multiple Mediations: Feminist Scholarship in the Age of Multinational Reception" Sandra Bartky, "Foucault, Femininity, and the Modernization of Patriarchal Power" Judith Butler, "Performative Acts and Gender Constitution: An Essay in Phenomenology and Feminist Theory" * SECTION IV Introduction: Imagine Otherwise * IV.1. Bodies and Emotions: Alison Jaggar, "Love and Knowledge: Emotion in Feminist Epistemology" Kathy Davis, "Reclaiming Women’s Bodies: Colonialist Trope or Critical Epistemology?" Sara Ahmed, "Multiculturalism and the Promise of Happiness" Lucille Clifton, "Lumpectomy Eve" * IV.2. Solidarity Reconsidered: Chandra Talpade Mohanty, "‘Under Western Eyes’ Revisited: Feminist Solidarity through Anticapitalist Struggles" Suzanna Danuta Walters, "From Here to Queer: Radical Feminism, Postmodernism, and the Lesbian Menace (Or, Why Can’t a Woman be More Like a Fag?) Paula M. L. Moya, "Chicana Feminism and Postmodernist Theory," Malika Ndlovu, "Out of Now-here"
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