Buch Monografie

Migrations and mobilities : citizenship, borders, and gender

Verfasst von: Resnik, Judith
New York, NY [u. a.]: New York Univ. Press , 2009 , 505 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Resnik, Judith
Herausgegeben von: Benhabib, Seyla
Jahr: 2009
Maße: 24 cm
ISBN: 0814775993
Sprache: Englisch
In an increasingly globalized world, the movement of peoples across national borders is posing unprecedented challenges, for the people involved as well as for the places to which they travel and their countries of origin. Citizenship is now a topic in focus around the world but much of that discussion takes place without sufficient attention to the women, men, and children, in and out of families, whose statuses and treatments depend upon how countries view their arrival. As essays in this volume detail, both the practices and theories of citizenship need to be reappraised in light of the array of persons and of twentieth-century commitments to their dignity and equality. "Migrations and Mobilities" situates gender in the context of ongoing, urgent conversations about globalization, citizenship, and the meaning of borders. Following an introductory essay by editors Seyla Benhabib and Judith Resnik that addresses the parameters and implications of gendered migration, the interdisciplinary contributors consider a wide range of issues, from workers' rights to children's rights, from theories of the nation-state and federalism to obligations under transnational human rights conventions. Together, the essays in this path-breaking collection force us to consider the pivotal role that gender should play in reconceiving the nature of citizenship in the contemporary, transnational world. Contents: Introduction: Citizenship and Migration Theory Engendered (Seyla Benhabib und Judith Resnik) * Citizenship and Gender in the Ancient World: The Experience of Athens and Rome (Cynthia Patterson) * Stateless as the Citizen's Other: A View from the United States (Linda K. Kerber) * Citizenship, Noncitizenship, and the Transnationalization of Domestic Work (Linda Bosniak) * A Bio-Cartography: Maids, Neoslavery, and NGOs (Aihwa Ong) * The "Mere Fortuity of Birth? Children, Mothers, Borders, and the Meaning of Citizenship (Jacqueline Bhabha) * * Transnational Mothering, National Immigration Policy, and European Law: The Experience of the Netherlands (Sarah K. van Walsum) * Global Feminism, Citizenship, and the State: Negotiating Women's Rights in the Middle East and North Africa (Valentine M. Moghadam) * Particularized Citizenship: Encultured Women and the Public Sphere (Audrey Macklin) * Multiculturalism, Gender, and Rights (David Jacobson) * Globalizing Fragmentation: New Pressures on Women Caught in the Immigration Law-Citizenship Law Dichotomy (Catherine Dauvergne) * Status Quo or Sixth Ground? Adjudicating Gender Asylum Claims (Talia Inlender) * Intercultural Political Identity: Are We There Yet? (Angelia K. Means) * Mobility, Migrants, and Solidarity: Towards an Emerging European Citizenship Regime (Patrizia Nanz) * Citizenships, Federalisms, and Gender (Vicki C. Jackson)
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