Buch Monografie

Financing for development and women rights : a critical review

Verfasst von: De la Cruz, Carmen
Brussels: WIDE , 2009 , 32 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: De la Cruz, Carmen
Jahr: 2009
Maße: 21 cm
Sprache: Englisch
In the last decade, the way in which development is conceptualised and implemented has changed significantly, and so have the political contexts in which this implementation takes place. This has had implications on how gender equality and women´s empowerment is being achieved. The publication reviews the current debates about development, as well as the background for this new aid architecture, and analyses the international frameworks for financing for development and women rights, as well as governments´ commitments for resources. It also summarises and analyses all the contributions to the aid effectiveness agenda from a gender perspective.
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