Buch Monografie

Women domestics : workers within households

Verfasst von: Singh, Vinita
Jaipur [u. a.]: Rawat Publications , 2007 , 205 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Singh, Vinita
Jahr: 2007
Maße: 23 cm
ISBN: 8131600882
Sprache: Englisch
The book is based on an empirical study of women domestic workers serving in middle class households. Observable facts collected from Ranchi city have been analyzed and interpreted. The overlap in the women domestics social sphere as workers and as women has been elaborated. Issues such as their socio-economic status, everyday struggles and the relationship with their employers have been observed and analyzed. Theoretically, the book makes use of Marxist and functionalist categories drawn from feminist literature.
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