Buch Monografie

Reclaiming the F word : the new feminist movement

Verfasst von: Redfern, Catherine [weitere]
London: Zed Books , 2010 , 282 S.
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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Redfern, Catherine; Aune, Kristin
Jahr: 2010
Maße: 21 cm
ISBN: 1848133944
Sprache: Deutsch
In today's "post-feminist" society, women and men are considered equal. For younger women and men, feminism is often portrayed as unfashionable and irrelevant. But since the beginning of the new millennium a new generation have emerged to challenge these assumptions and assert a vibrant new agenda. This groundbreaking book reveals the what, why and how of the new feminist movement and what it has to say about women's lives in today's society. From cosmetic surgery to celebrity culture and girl power to globalization, from rape to religion and sex to singleness, this book reveals the seven vital issues at stake for today's feminists, unveils the beginnings of a fresh and diverse wave of feminism, and calls a new generation back to action. Table of Contents: 1. Liberated bodies 2. Sexual Freedom and Choice 3. An End to Violence Against Women 4. Equality at Work and Home 5. Politics and Religion Transformed 6. Popular Culture Free from Sexism 7. Feminism Reclaimed
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