Buch Sammelband

Girls' education in the 21st century : gender equality, empowerment, and economic growth

Verfasst von: Tembon, Mercy
Washington, DC: World Bank , 2008 , 313 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Tembon, Mercy
Schriftenreihe: Directions in development / Human development
Jahr: 2008
Maße: 23 cm
ISBN: 0821374745
Sprache: Englisch
Persuasive evidence demonstrates that gender equality in education is central to economic development. Despite more than two decades of accumulated knowledge and evidence of what works in improving gender equality, progress on the ground remains slow and uneven across countries. What is missing? Given that education is a critical path to accelerate progress toward gender equality and the empowerment of women, what is holding us back? These questions were discussed at the global symposium Education: A Critical Path to Gender Equality and Women s Empowerment. Girls Education in the 21st Century is based on background papers developed for the symposium. The books chapters reflect the current state of knowledge on education from a gender perspective and highlight the importance of, and challenges to, female education, as well as the interdependence of education and development objectives. The last chapter presents five strategic directions for advancing gender equality in education and their implications for World Bank operations. Table of contents: Overview * Schooling, Gender Equity, and Economic Outcomes (Eric Hanushek) * Student Learning Outcomes in Mathematics from a Gender Perspective: What Does the International PISA Assessment Tell Us? (Andreas Schleicher) * Returns to Education: The Gender Perspective (Harry Patrinos) * Is Female Education a Pathway to Gender Equality in the Labor Market? Some Evidence from Pakistan (Monazza Aslam, Geeta Kingdon, and Mans Söderbom) * Inequalities in Education: Effects of Gender, Poverty, Orphanhood, and Disability (Deon Filmer) * The Double Disadvantage of Gender and Social Exclusion in Education (Marlaine Lockheed) * Promoting Education Quality through Gender-Friendly Schools (Changu Mannathoko) * Combating Gender-Based Violence in Benin (Michele Akpo) * Addressing Gender Disparities in Education in Contexts of Crisis, Postcrisis, and State Fragility (Jackie Kirk) * Building a Better Future for Afghanistan through Female Education (Sakena Yacoobi) * The Effects of a Reduction in User Fees on School Enrollment: Evidence from Colombia (Felipe Barrera-Osorio) * Holy Alliances: Public Subsidies, Islamic High 209 Schools, and Female Schooling in Bangladesh (Mohammad Niaz Asadullah and Nazmul Chaudhury) * Cultivating Knowledge and Skills to Grow African Agriculture (Richard Johanson, William Saint, Catherine Ragasa, and Eija Pehu) * Quality and Gender Equality in Education: What Have We Learned from FAWE’s 15 Years of Experience? (Codou Diaw) * Strategies for Gender Equality in Basic and Secondary Education: A Comprehensive and Integrated Approach in the Republic of Yemen (Tawfiq A. Al-Mekhlafy) * Conclusion and Recommendations for the Way Forward (Mercy Tembon)
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