Buch Monografie

Women and scriptures in the Arab world

Verfasst von: Abboud, Hosn
Beirut: Inst. for Women's Studies in the Arab World, Lebanese American Univ. , 2009 , 64 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Abboud, Hosn
Schriftenreihe: al- Raida
Jahr: 2009
Sprache: Englisch
Contents: JOHNNY B. AWWAD: Liberation and Universality: Women in Luke's Gospel * JULlA DROEBER: A Different Kind of "Scripture": Women's Access to Religious Knowledge without the Written Word * HOSN ABBOUD: Is Mary lmportant for Herself or for Being the Mother of Christ in the Holy Qur'an? * AISHA ABDUL RAHMAN: The lslamic Conception of Women's Liberation * MAHMOUD ZIBAWI: The Annunciation to Mary, Mother of Jesus, in Medieval Christian and lslamic Art of the Book * INES WEINRICH: Experiencing the Divine Word: A Women's Spiritual Gathering in Beirut * LISE PAULSEN GALAL: Sacred Women in Coptic Cinema: Between Faith and Resistance * NANCY W. JABBRA: Women's Marian Devotions in a Melkite Greek Catholic Village in Lebanon
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