Buch Monografie

Body politics in development : critical debates in gender and development

Verfasst von: Harcourt, Wendy
London [u. a.]: Zed Books , 2009 , 226 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Harcourt, Wendy
Jahr: 2009
Maße: 22 cm
ISBN: 1842779346
Sprache: Englisch
The book explores how activists around the world have organized to fight for their economic and social rights and well-being, to end violence against women and militarism, to promote sexual and reproductive rights, and to protect bodily integrity in the face of the new biotechnologies. Seeing the body as a fluid site of power and political contestation where specific cultural, social and economic realities and struggles are played out, Harcourt looks at body politics from the intimate and personal within self, family and community to the public at national and global levels and discourses. Using narrative, interview, analysis and theory to bring out the importance of different facets of body politics, this book translates feminist and development discourse into vitally relevant material for all those interested in human rights and social justice. Contents: Introduction * What is body politics? * Violated Bodies * Sexualized and Reproductive Bodies * Productive Bodies * Techno Bodies * Liberated Bodies?
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