Buch Monografie

Historical thought and literary representation in West Indian literature

Verfasst von: Wilson-Tagoe, Nana
Gainesville [u. a.]: Univ. Press of Florida , 1998 , 328 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Wilson-Tagoe, Nana
Jahr: 1998
Maße: 24cm
ISBN: 0852555539
Sprache: Englisch
The author argues that it is in the imaginative recasting of the past, more than in one-dimensional explanations of historical processes, that we find insights in Caribbean history and that it is this recasting that has shaped Caribbean literature in the 20th century. Looking at major Anglophone Caribbean writers in three genres--novels, short stories, and poetry--she analyzes the ways in which history has been perceived, constructed, and used in West Indian literature. In that context she explores the interplay of reality and the fantastic; history and the imagination; myth and ancestral memory; time-bound conceptions of the West Indies and the timeless values of life there. While discussion focuses on the interface between literature and historiography, it also addresses issues in sociology, political science, and philosophy.
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