Buch Monografie

Let me, tell you where I've been : new writing by women of the Iranian diaspora

Verfasst von: Karim, Persis M.
Fayetteville: Univ. of Arkansas Press , 2006 , 349 S.
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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Karim, Persis M.
Jahr: 2006
Maße: 23 cm
ISBN: 1557288208
Sprache: Englisch
This book is a collection of poetry, fiction, and nonfiction by Iranian women living in exile. Two-thirds of the writings in this book have never been publsihed before. The book consists of writings from more than 50 Iranian women. The lives of these writers have been shaped and influenced by Iran's recent history, exile, immigration and the formation of new cultural identities in the United States and Europe. These female writers offer a complex literary view of Iranian culture and its influences. These writers interrogate, challenge, and re-define notions of home and language and their work offers readers an experience of Iranian diaspora culture. The book is divided into six sections: home stories, for tradition, woman's duty, axis of evil, beyond, tales left untold. The themes of this book are exile, family, culture resistance, and love. The poems, short stories, and essays are suggestive of an important conversation about Iran, Iranian culture, the Persian and English languages, and the dual identities of many of its authors. This powerful collection is a tribute to the wisdom, insight, and sensitivity of women attempting to invent and articulate a literature of in-betweenness.
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