Buch Monografie

Holding up half of the sky : the new women consumers of Asia

Verfasst von: Hedrick-Wong, Yuwa
Singapore: Wiley & Sons , 2006 , 165 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Hedrick-Wong, Yuwa
Jahr: 2006
Maße: 21cm
ISBN: 0470822066
Sprache: Englisch
This book examines the dynamics of the rising power of women consumers in Asia, and how their changing roles in society are fundamentally altering their roles as consumers. The author provides a systematic analysis of the size, purchasing power, demographic and market characteristics of women consumers, and their outlook in the next ten years, across 11 affluent and emerging countries in Asia. Four broad market segments are analytically developed as a framework of analysis, with individual lifecycle stages specified within each segment as key determinants of consumption behaviour.
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