Buch Monografie

Forbidden red : widowhood in urban Nepal

Verfasst von: Galvin, Kathey-Lee
Pullmann, Wash.: Washington State Univ. Press , 2005 , 166 S.
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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Galvin, Kathey-Lee
Ausgabe: 1st.
Jahr: 2005
Maße: 210mm x 139 mm
ISBN: 0874222834
Sprache: Englisch
For this book the anthropologist Kathey-Lee Galvin interviewed widows in urban Nepal. In the introduction of this book the author describes the history and the situation today in Nepal, a country she calls "land of collision". The title of the book "Forbidden red" shows that in Nepal the colour red is often denied to widows as red is associated with life, vibrancy and passion. The author analyzes how widows in urban Nepal are rejected, the choices available to them, and the survival strategies they employ.
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