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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Herausgegeben von: Giles, Wenona
Ausgabe: 1. ed.
Jahr: 2003
Maße: 23cm
ISBN: 1896357784
Sprache: Englisch
This volume focuses on women living and working in conflict zones. The lives of women during the civil wars in Sri Lanka and the former Yugoslavia are being analyzwd. Problems of nationalism, ethnic conflict, and militarized violence are being discussed. The book is divided into three parts: the first section is about ethnic nationalism and the militarization of women; the second part discusses gendered violence in times of conflict and the third part is about politics and cultures of resistance. The authors explore commonalities and differences between Sri Lanka and the former Yugoslawia, and consequences for women, their societies, and feminist politics. The collection also addresses issues of domestic violence, rape, intermarriage, victimization, feminist organizing and anti-war activism, women's self-help organization, and political resistance. This vibrant collection emerges from The Women in Conflict Zones Network, an international collaboration of activists and scholars. Whenona Giles: Introduction: Feminist exchanges and comparative perspectives across conflict zones (S. 1); Malathi de Alwis: Reflections on gender and ethnicity in Sri Lanka (S. 15); Maja Koravac: Women organizing against ethnic nationalism and war in the Post-Yugoslav States (S. 25); I. Ethnic nationalism and the militarization of women: Neluka Silva: Introduction (S. 37); Lepa Mladjenovic: Women in black against war (Belgrade) (S. 41); Zarana Papic: "Bosnian, albanian, and roma women are our sisters": feminist politics in Serbia (S. 45); Neloufer de Mel: Agend or victim? The sri lankan woman militant in the interregnum (S. 55); Djurdja Knezevic: Gender and nationalism in the croation media war (S. 75); II. Gendered violence in the times of conflict: Malathi de Alwis: Introduction (S. 87); Radhika Coomaraswamy: A question of honour: women, ethnicity, and armed conflict (S. 91); Duska Andric-Ruzicic: War rape and the political manipulation of survivors (S. 103); Ananda Galappatti: Psychological suffering, "trauma", and PTSD: implications for women in Sri Lanka's conflict zones (S. 115); Selvy Thiruchandran: The other victims of terror: households in chaos (S. 131); III. Politics and cultures of resistance: Edith Klein: Introduction (S. 143); Neluka Silva: The politics of intermarriage in Sri Lanka in an era of conflict (S. 147); Lepa Mladjenovic: Feminist politics in the anti-war movement in Belgrade: to shoot or not to shoot? (S. 157); Kumudini Samuel: Activism, motherhood, and the state in Sri Lanka's ethnic conflict (S. 167); Elissa Helms: Gender essentialisms and women's activism in post-war Bosnia-Herzegovina (S. 181); Wenona Giles: The women's movement in Sri Lanka: an interview with Kumari Jayawardena (S. 199); Malathi de Alwis, Wenona Giles, Edith Klein: Afterword: future directions - Sri Lanka and the Post-Yugoslav States (S. 211)
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