Buch Monografie

The impact of religion on women in the development process

Verfasst von: Fortuna, Heather
Washington, DC: 2003 , 37 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Fortuna, Heather
Schriftenreihe: Critical half
Jahr: 2003
Sprache: Englisch
Content: On Feminism and National Identity: The Experience of Palestinian Women in Israel and Muslim Women in India (HODA ROUHANA) * Globalization, Religion, and Women (ABDULAZIZ SACHEDINA) * Why Might Women Support Religious Fundamentalism? (ZAINAB SALBI) * Panacea or Painkiller? The Impact of Pentecostal Christianity on Women in Africa (CHARLOTTE SPINKS) * Overcoming Womens Subordination in the Igbo African Culture and in The Catholic Church (ROSE UCHEM) * The Practice of Dowry From the Context of Hinduism (SUMONA VOHRA) * In the Field: The Role of Religion in the Lives of Women in the New Afghanistan (LINA ABIRAFEH)
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