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Einrichtung: FrauenMediaTurm | Köln
Signatur: Z-F045:1986-2
Formatangabe: Zeitschriftenschwerpunktheft
Herausgegeben von: Ferguson, Ann; Simons, A. Margaret; Bryant, Tamera; Taylor, Kate; Halhoul, Thoraya
In: Hypatia : a journal of feminist philosophy
Jahr: 1986
Heft: 2
ISSN: 0887-5367
ZDBID: 232455-6
List of content:
  • Preface S. 1

    Motherhood and sexuality : some feminist questions (Ann Ferguson) S. 3

    Foucault and feminism : toward a politics of difference (Jana Sawicki) S. 23

    Female Friendship : Contra Chodorow and Dinnerstein (Janice Raymond) S. 37

    Woman : Revealed or reveiled? (Cynthia A. Freeland) S. 49

    The Feminist Sexuality Debate : ethics and politics (Cheryl H. Cohen) S. 71

    Feminism and motherhood : O'Brien vs. Beauvoir (Reyes Lazaro) S. 87

    Possessive Power (Janet Farrell-Smith) S. 103

    The future of mothering : reproductive technology and feminist theory (Anne Donchin) S. 121

    Should a feminist choose a marriage-like relationship? (Marjorie Weinzweig) S. 139

    References S. 161

    Notes on contributors S. 173

    Announcements S. 175

    Submission guidelines S. 179
  • Sprache: Deutsch
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