Dis/Connecting whiteness : biographical perspectives on race, class, masculinity and sexuality in Britain c. 1850-1930
Verfasst von:
Ashplant, T.G.
L' homme
68 - 85 S.
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Weitere Informationen
Einrichtung: | Frauensolidarität | Wien |
Verfasst von: | Ashplant, T.G. |
In: | L' homme |
Jahr: | 2005 |
Heft: | 2 |
Sprache: | Englisch |
Beschreibung: | |
Research on whiteness has shown the ways in which racial classifications intersected with other categories of difference, especially those of nation, class, gender and sexuality. But such ideologies of whiteness were also internally contradictory. This article uses three examples, two biographical and one fictionalised, to explore interconnections and disjunctions between categories of difference among bourgeois men in Britain c. 1850É41930. Ideological discourses, such as those of race, are effective not only by offering frameworks for understanding the world, but also because they are internalised psychologically dirough patterns of emotional affiliation with which diey are intertwined, formed within the family and other institutions of socialisation. Some individuals, dirough internal conflicts, come to reject die composite (racial, class, gendered, etc.) identity proffered to diem via those families and institutions. Such cases, where ascribed identities conflict radier than mesh with one anodier, can reveal mutually reinforcing mechanisms of power which are normally concealed, illuminating bodi the ways in which categories of difference could reinforce one anodier, and die ways in which a disturbance of individual identity formation could undermine not only connections between diose categories but also the very categories themselves. Analyses of the depiction of Izzart, a character in Somerset Maugham's story "The Yellow Streak" (1926), and of the life stories of Ardiur Munby (1828-1910), a writer, and Scott Macfie (1868-1935), a businessman and pioneer Gypsiologist, explore the different ways in which they dealt with conflicts within their racial/class/gender/sexual identity as a white man'. | |
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