Buch Monografie

Stalking the wild dik-dik : one woman's solo misadventures across Africa

Verfasst von: Javins, Marie
Emeryville, CA: Seal Press , 2006 , 277 S.
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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Javins, Marie
Jahr: 2006
Maße: 19 cm
ISBN: 1580051642
Sprache: Englisch
This book is a travel account of one's journey from Cape town to Cairo in 2001. The American author Marie Javins crossed Africa on her own and this trip across the continent includes challenges, inevitable mishaps, and more than a few debacles. She visited several African countries and in this book she describes her experiences. She tells the readers about being chased by hippos, being close with gorillas who have unenviable gas problems and she also shares her observations and insights of this continent with the readers. Javins takes even the most bizarre and patience-trying situations with a dose of good humor and describes them in a funny way. The author fell in love with Africa on this trip and therefore came back in 2005 to revisite the people and places that had so impacted her on her first trip. Javins was struck not by the desperation of Africa, but by its hope, the dignity of its people, the vibrancy of its cities, and the inherent adventure that is inherent it offered.
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