Buch Monografie

Playing in the light : a novel

Verfasst von: Wicomb, Zoë
New York, NY [u. a.]: New Press , 2006 , 218 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Wicomb, Zoë
Jahr: 2006
Maße: 20 cm
ISBN: 1595580476
Sprache: Englisch
Set in Cape Town this is the story about Marion, a travel agent and about her Afrikaner background. At the beginning of the story Marion is caught up in the narrow world of private interests and self-advancement. But things begin to change when Marion for the first time in her life employs a black women in her agency. Marion has always known there is something peculiar about her Afrikaner background but her dad has not been willing to tell her the truth. Now her young employee plays an important part in piecing together Marions past and this transforms Marions life and widens her world.
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