Buch Monografie

Women and activism in the Arab world

Verfasst von: Helou, Marguerite
Beirut: 2005 , 88 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Helou, Marguerite
Schriftenreihe: al- Raida
Jahr: 2005
Sprache: Englisch
Contents: Women and Activism in the Arab World (Marguerite Helou) * Activisms in Egypt (Leslie R.Lewis) * The Palestinian Womens Movement After Oslo (Sophie Richter-Devroe) * Colonial Feminists from Washington to Baghdad (Haifa Zangana) * Womens Participation and Personal Status Issues in Post-War Lebanon * Kuwaiti Women and the Right to Vote (Kawthar Al-Jouan) * Womens Mosque Movement in Cairo (Leslie R.Lewis) * Margot Badran on Islamic Feminism (Azza Basarudin) * Interview with Amal Sabbagh (Myriam Sfeir) * Combatting Crimes of Honor (Rana Husseini) * Womens Activism and Participation in Lebanon (Myriam Sfeir) * Women Entrepreneurs in the MNA Region (Carmen Niethammer) * Reviews: The Aftermath (Rosemary Sayigh) - Women in Struggle (Buthina Canaan Khoury)
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