Buch Monografie

Women and water

Verfasst von: Anderson, Kim
Toronto, Ont.: Univ. of Toronto Press , 2013 , 151 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Anderson, Kim
Schriftenreihe: Canadian woman studies
Jahr: 2013
Sprache: Englisch, Französisch
Contents: Troubled Waters: Introducing the Issues * First Nations Water Security: Security for Mother Earth - Sheri Longboat * Women Talking About Water: Feminist Subjectivities and Intersectional Understandings - Leila M. Harris, Jyoti Phartiyal, Dayna Nadine Scott, Megan Peloso * Wading In: Local and Global Activism * The Guardians of Conga Lagoons: Defending Land, Water and Freedom in Peru - Ana Isla * Aquatic Pollution and Women's Health: Waves from the Niger Delta, Nigeria - Finomo Julia Awajiusuk * Water Scarcity: A Threat to Women's Food Work and Livelihood - Olusola Olufemi, Olajide Ojo * Carry on, Carry On!: River Reckoning with Miriam Love and the Thames River Rally - Kerry Manders * Indigenous Women, Water Justice and Zaagidowin (Love) - Deborah McGregor * Keeping Our Heads Above Water: Cultural Engagements * Meaningful Engagement: Women, Diverse Identities and Indigenous Water and Wastewater Responsibilities - Jo-Anne Lawless, Dorothy Taylor, Rachael Marshall, Emily Nickerson, Kim Anderson * Re-Calling Our HerStory: Miriam the Prophetess - Judith Maeryam * Wouk Water Front: Un documentaire par Elisabeth Miller - Jeanne Maranda * Hidden Hardships: Water, Women’s Health, and Livelihood Struggles in Rural Garhwal, India - Georgina Drew * Aunt Mavo’s Labours: A Story from Mozambique - Alexandre Silva Dunduro * Be the Water - Debby Wilson Danard
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