Buch Sammelband

Local violence, global media : feminist analyses of gendered representations

Verfasst von: Cuklanz, Lisa M.
New York, NY ; Washington, DC ; Baltimore, Md. ; Bern ; Frankfurt, M. ; Berlin ; Brussels ; Vienna ; Oxford: Lang , 2009 , 276 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Cuklanz, Lisa M.
Schriftenreihe: Intersections in communications and culture
Jahr: 2009
Maße: 23 cm
ISBN: 1433102765
Sprache: Englisch
While there exists a wide range of material covering violence against women, very little scholarly attention has been paid to international media treatments of gendered violence. This volume addresses the gap by providing a broad overview of contemporary representations of gendered violence, enabling comparison and contrast in forms of violence and constructions of gender across a wide range of political and geographic contexts. From nonfictional accounts of the mass rapes during the Rwandan genocide to the sexual objectification of women in Serbian media and depictions of prostitute murders in the Chinese media, this book provides an overview of media representations of gendered violence around the globe. In addition to documenting specific challenges and shortcomings of mainstream representations, chapters present insight into the various forms of resistance and hope that exist in each particular area, and analytical essays open up new lines of inquiry by offering an assessment of the uneven changes that feminist activism has enabled around the world. Contents: Sujata Moorti/Lisa Cuklanz: Introduction: Tracking Global Media and Local Activism – Elaine Jeffreys: Serial Prostitute Homicide in the Chinese Media – M. Cristina Alcalde: Ripped from the Headlines: Newspaper Depictions of Battered Women in Peru – Sidra Fatima Minhas: The Politics of Rape and Honor in Pakistan – Gordene MacKenzie/Mary Marcel: Media Coverage of the Murder of U.S. Transwomen of Color – Peter C. Pugsley/Jia Gao: Invisible Women: Chinese Media Responses to the Japanese «Orgy» – Linda Isako Angst: The Sacrifice of a Schoolgirl: The 1995 Rape Case, Discourses of Power, and Women’s Lives in Okinawa – Pamela Scully: Media Constructions of Ethnicized Masculinity in South Africa – Karen Boyle: Gendered Narratives of Child Sexual Abuse in Fiction Film – Julie Haynes: Exposing Domestic Violence in Country Music Videos – Danica Minic: Mediated Violence and Women's Activism in Serbia – Régine Michelle Jean-Charles: Beneath the Layers of Violence: Representations of Rape and the Rwandan Genocide.
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