
Inter-caste marriage in Bali : a gendered analysis of caste and its impact on Balinese women

Verfasst von: Cahyaningtyas, June
in: Asian journal of women's studies
2016 , Heft: No. 3 , 193-207 S.
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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Cahyaningtyas, June
In: Asian journal of women's studies
Jahr: 2016
Heft: No. 3
Sprache: Englisch
Apart from India, the caste system operates in many parts of the world but there are some similarities and differences. This article aims to discover how the caste system operates in Bali, especially by highlighting the impact it has on women’s life. June Cahyaningtyas uses gender analysis in the reading of a literary work on inter-caste marriage as an instance in order to illustrate the importance of the institution of marriage in preserving the system and how it affects the lives of women. She comes to the conclusion that the caste system in Bali represents one type of stratification, along with kinship ties and gender distinctions, via the maintenance of the institution of marriage and the dominance of males over females. Also, although inter-caste marriage is not uncommon, it is considered deviant, while women risk being seen as pollutants in the system. In order to avoid certain disquieting consequences, women must undergo particular rituals in order to eliminate the impact of such pollution.
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