Buch Sammelband

Conditionalities undermine the right to development : an analysis based on a women's und human rights persepctive

Herausgegeben von: Alemany, Cecilia [weitere]
Toronto: AWID , 2008 , 125 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Herausgegeben von: Alemany, Cecilia; Dede, Graciela
Körperschaft: Association for Women's Rights in Development
Jahr: 2008
Maße: 21 cm
Sprache: Englisch
This publication provides an analysis of the position against economic policy conditionalities based on a women's and human rights perspective. The chapters developed by all the authors of this paper aim to contribute to a better understanding of the basis of this position as well as bring more elements to analyze the connections between development, human rights and women’s rights in particular. Contents: Introduction: Women's rights organizations' positions on conditionalities and Aid Effectiveness - Cecilia Alemany (AWID) 2. Human Rights and development cooperation: Need for conditionalities or need for implementation of Human Rights Treaties? - Graciela Dede and Areli Sandoval (AWID consultants) 3. The Right to Development and the Right to Self-determination: Why donor-imposed conditions undermine the achievement of these and other Human Rights? - Graciela Dede and Areli Sandoval (AWID consultants) 4. Statement of the Women’s Consultation on Financing for Development 5. Time to act is now. Intervention from the Women’s Working Group on Financing for Development - Josefa Gigi” Francisco (DAWN) 6. Accra: another expression of the lack of political will to reduce conditionalities and advance on Gender Equality? - Cecilia Alemany, Fernanda Hopenhaym, and Michele Knab (AWID) 7. An Overview of the Events in Accra - Marta Lago (IGTN) 8. Statement from the Accra International Women’s Forum 9. Testimonies and opinions from Accra - Compiled by Anne Schoenstein (AWID) 10. A gender analysis of the Accra Agenda for Action - Nerea Craviotto (WIDE)
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