
Perspektiven queerer Bildungsarbeit

in: Queer-Feministische Perspektiven auf Wissen(schaft)
Rostock: Universität Rostock , 2017 , Band: 1 , 163-186 S.

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Einrichtung: GenderOpen
Link: Volltext
Verfasst von: ; Hartmann, Jutta
Herausgegeben von: Behrens, Christoph; Zittlau, Andrea
In: Queer-Feministische Perspektiven auf Wissen(schaft)
Schriftenreihe: Rostocker Interdisziplinäre Gender und Queer Studien
Jahr: 2017
Band: 1
ISBN: 3860094807
Sprache: Deutsch
This article departs from the outing of professional football player Thomas Hitzlesperger in 2014 – an event that was widely embraced by the media that attempted to celebrate diversity when in fact it reassured heteronormativity. I argue for a queer understanding of life and living and the necessity to deconstruct the current scheme of unquestioned normativity (that works in the dichotomy of self and other). While I see education as the key tool in that process, I also recognize that little material is available to educators to sensitively approach queer issues. Here I share my “pedagogy of diverse ways of living” (Pädagogik vielfältiger Lebensweisen), some of the material I use and the guidelines I developed. I argue for a productive deconstruction of current naturalized and essentialized identities in a continuous awareness of the traps that any form of deconstruction employs.
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