
„There is an ‚I’ in LGBT*QI*” : Inter* als kritischer Spiegel für Queer Theory

in: Queer-Feministische Perspektiven auf Wissen(schaft)
Rostock: Universität Rostock , 2017 , Band: 1 , 61-81 S.

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Einrichtung: GenderOpen
Link: Volltext
Verfasst von: ; Gregor, Joris Anja
Herausgegeben von: Behrens, Christoph; Zittlau, Andrea
In: Queer-Feministische Perspektiven auf Wissen(schaft)
Schriftenreihe: Rostocker Interdisziplinäre Gender und Queer Studien
Jahr: 2017
Band: 1
ISBN: 3860094807
Sprache: Deutsch
The LGBT*QI*-acronym is used especially in queer theory and practice with all good intentions. In this article, I argue that subsuming Inter* under umbrella terms referring to queer identities necessarily falls short. While the abbreviation LGBT*Q addresses different sexualities and gender identities, the Inter* movement rather negotiates problematic medical treatment of bodies which were identified as intersexed. Surgical and hormonal interventions seek to disambiguate the intersexed body by assigning a person’s identity as either male or female. The emerging self is by no means male or female, though neither is their body. Instead, Inter* biographies contain narratives about the alienated, aching, and traumatized body as a mediator in the process of subjectivation and self-perception. I try to do justice to the inter*-phenomenon by doing a grounded queer theory. I conclude that connecting Butler’s queer theory and Fausto-Sterling’s concept of embodiment allows for a reflection on the role of empirical material in queer research – and to develop an approach that can be termed fleshier queer studies.
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