Buch Sammelband

Transforming the world of work for gender equality in the Arab region

Verfasst von: Esim, Simel
Beirut: Inst. for Women's Studies in the Arab World, Lebanese American Univ. , 2011/2012 , 88 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Esim, Simel
Schriftenreihe: al- Raida
Jahr: 2011/2012
Sprache: Englisch
For long, the prevalence of deterministic perspectives regarding social questions in the Arab region has led to static social, economic, and political conditions. Complex issues such as gender roles in the public and private spheres have often been explained as the necessary outcome of cultural specificity or natural resource endowments. Such explanations undermine the universality of rights-based perspectives on gender equality issues. Yet, the rhetorical power of the rights discourse is often used to maintain the status quo and embellish existing practices. Women in the Arab region continue to have the poorest outcomes in the world of work, whether in comparison with men or in comparison with women in other regions. There is a slow but growing tendency by the labor market institutions of the region, be it governments, workers’, or employers’ associations, to engage in key gender equality issues such as underpayment of jobs with a high concentration of women or high levels of unemployment among educated youth, especially young women. Momentum from rights groups to eliminate de jure and de facto discrimination in the world of work based on gender has been also building up. As political transformations continue to take place across the region, their socioeconomic implications remain uncertain. The need for policy-relevant and action- oriented research based on the existing and emerging realities on the ground that Transforming the World of Work for Gender Equality in the Arab Region Simel Esim al-raida Issue 135-136-137 | Fall/Winter/Spring 2011-2012 0 3 advance understanding on a range of gender equality issues in the world of work in the Arab region remains pressing. And it will be critical to keep gender equality and social justice on the transitional agendas in follow up to the Arab people’s uprisings. Mansour Omeira: Transforming the Economic Conversation in the Arab Region, Lindsay J. Benstead: Barrier or Opportunity? Political Islam and Support for Women’s Political Participation in Morocco, Amélie Le Renard: Dress Practices in the Workplace: Power Relations, Gender Norms and Professional Saudi Women’s Tactics, Nabil Abdo: Promoting Women’s Entrepreneurship in Lebanon: Enhancing Empowerment or Vulnerability? ILO Policy Brief Pay Equity in Jordan, Omar Said and Carole Kerbage: Stories from the Field Farah Kobaissy “Here are the Women”, Azza Charara Baydoun: “Killing of Women in the Name of Honor”: An Evolving Phenomenon in Lebanon
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