Buch Sammelband

On intellectual activism

Verfasst von: Hill Collins, Patricia
Philadelphia, Pa.: Temple Univ. Press , 2013 , 254 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Hill Collins, Patricia
Jahr: 2013
Maße: 23 cm
ISBN: 1439909601
Sprache: Englisch
Since stepping down as the 100th President of the American Sociological Association, Patricia Hill Collins has been lecturing extensively at universities and at private and public organizations about the role of the intellectual in public culture and how well intellectuals communicate questions about contemporary social issues to the larger public. This book is a collection of those lectures, along with new and (a few) previously-published essays. "On Intellectual Activism" is Collins' attempt to frame her more-than-20-year intervention in the critical issues of gender, race and sexuality for an audience not likely to sit in on her--or anyone else's--introduction to gender studies class.
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