Buch Monografie

Gender-based violence in the Arab world

Verfasst von: Sabat, Rita
Beirut: Inst. for Women's Studies in the Arab World, Lebanese American Univ. , 2010 , 88 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Sabat, Rita
Schriftenreihe: al- Raida
Jahr: 2010
Sprache: Englisch
Contents: REV. DR. MARIE M. FORTUNE, SALMA ABUGIDEIRI, & RABBI MARK DRATCH: A Commentary on Religion and Domestic Violence * FATIMA SADIQI: Domestic Violence in the African North * AZZA CHARARA BAYDOUN: Women Reporting Violence: Conditions and lmplications * MAY ABU JABER: Murder with Impunity: The Construction of Arab Masculinities and Honor Crimes * MAGDA M. EL-SANOUSI & GHlDA ANANI: Working with Men and Boys: A Strategic Choice in MENA Region to End Gender-Based Violence * KATHLEEN HAMILL: Structural Violence and Human Trafficking: Migrant Domestic Workers in Lebanon * MOHA ENNAJI: Violence Against Women in Morocco * IWSAW: Awareness Guide for Female Domestic Workers in Lebanon * STEPHANIE CHABAN: Women and Security: Findings from an Assessment on the Security Perceptions of Palestinian Women and Girls * FARAH KOBAISSY: Salwa's Guide to Fighting Sexual Harassment R* esponses to the Draft Law to Protect Women from Family Violence
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