Buch Monografie

Undoing FGM : Pierre Foldes - The Surgeon who restores the Clitoris

Verfasst von: Prolongeau, Hubert
Frankfurt am Main: UnCUT/VOICES Press , 2011 , 259 S.

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Einrichtung: TERRE DES FEMMES | Berlin
Signatur: O 00 Pro I
Verfasst von: Prolongeau, Hubert
Jahr: 2011
ISBN: 3981386310
Sprache: Englisch
„One hundred and thirty million excised women inhabit the globe. These massive statistics mask human realities: torment breaks these victims one by one. Pierre Foldes took their hurt in both hands, nesting their stammered complaints in his heart. Like most physicians, he could simply have eased their pain and kept his mouth shut. But he began to think outside the box, at no little cost to himself, and became an activist. To have invented the surgical technique that repairs excision, fine. But to try to prevent excision, that was far riskier. For reasons both medical and humanitarian, Pierre Foldes chose to put himself on the line. This is what Hubert Prolongeau tells us, narrating not only an unadorned tale of admiration but a beautiful book, written by a master’s pen, useful and convincing.”
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