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in: Nachlass Seeland, Suzanne
4 Mappen

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Einrichtung: FFBIZ-Archiv | Berlin
In: Nachlass Seeland, Suzanne
Bestell-Signatur: B Rep. 500 Acc. 45 - 41
Sprache: Englisch, Deutsch
Mappe 1:
Broschüre: "Not One of the Boys! des Center for the American Woman and Politics (o.D.), ca. 1984
Center for Law And Social Policy, Wahington, Annual Report 1986-1987
Women, Black, And Hispanic State Elected Leaders. The 1990 Symposium on the States of the States. New Jersey 1991
Unterlagen zum Thema: "New Leadership":
Broschüre der Ford Foundation: Women in American Politics September 1994
Folder des Center for the American Woman and Politics mit Broschüren 1991-1995

Mappe 2:
USA: verschiedene Themen von den UreinwohnerInnen bis 1995. Darunter:
Buchbesprechungen Seelands zu Leslie, Marmon Silco, Millicent Dillon, Jane Bowles, Toni Morrison (dazu Audios 103,116, 153)
Seeland Besprechungen zu Ronald Reagon und George Bush und die Präsidentschaftswahl 1988 und Seeland Manuskript zu Frauen in den Kohleminen Kentucky`s und West Virginia`s (dazu Audios 47, 82, 82b und 161)
Broschüre: The Book of Distinguished American Women" 983
Katalog: "Women of Courage. An Exhibition of Photographs by Judith Sedwick" der Schlesinger Library, Racliffe College 1984
Broschüre: Women`s History Resources. From the National History Project 1987
1 Artikel dieses Projekts: "Taking a New Look at the Woman Suffrage Movement" 1995 (dazu Audios 6,43,45,119,143,)

Mappe 3:
PaperYoga Keep Fit Exercises (o.D.)
Broschüre: "Curriculum Issues in Community-Based Feminist Studies", 1981
Broschüre: "Women and Children: Alone and in Poverty", September 1981
Broschüre "Facts and Reflections on Female Adolescent Sexuality", 1982

Mappe 4:
Santa Clara Center for Occupational Health and Safety: Unmasking The Hazards
A Worker`s Guide to Job Hazards in the Electronic Industry, 1981
The Personal Computer Handbook von 1983
Die Zeitschrift Ms von März 1986 mit der Titelstory: A New American Night-mare?
Seeland Texte zur Frauenarbeit im Silicon Valley 1983-
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