Buch Monografie

Key learnings from Feminists on the Frontline : summaries of case studies on resisting and challenging fundamentalisms

Verfasst von: Gokal, Shareen [weitere]
Toronto [u. a.]: AWID , 2011 , 84 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Gokal, Shareen; Berbero, Rosanna; Balchin, Cassandra
Körperschaft: Association for Women's Rights in Development
Jahr: 2011
ISBN: 0986837229
Sprache: Englisch
This collection of case studies is a testament to the women and men around the world who have stood up to reject the imposition of norms and values in the name of religion as well as to expose and challenge the privileged position given to religion in public policies. In 2008 AWID launched a call for proposals to document the strategies of women's rights activists confronting religious fundamentalisms. The final 18 case studies presented here are drawn from a wide range of religious and geographical contexts, and cover various fields of activism. We hope that this collection will inspire, inform and encourage discussion and debate. Contents: Key Learnings from Feminists on the Frontline: Case Studies of Resisting and Challenging Fundamentalisms * Case Study Summaries of Feminists on the Frontline: Confronting Catholic Fundamentalisms in the Former Soviet Union: The Case of Lithuania * Mass Prosecution for Abortion: Violation of the Reproductive Rights of Women in Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil * Religious Fundamentalisms in Indigenous Contexts in Chiapas and the Violation of Women’s Rights * Rural Feminist Activism and Religious Fundamentalism in Nova Scotia, Canada * Sexuality, Gender and the Religious Right: Youth Advocacy on LGBT Rights in the United States * Christian Fundamentalisms and Women’s Rights in the African Context: Mapping the Terrain * Challenging Religious Fundamentalisms in Bolivia: The Inclusion of Sexual and Reproductive Rights in the Constitution * Arab Queer Women and Transgenders Confronting Diverse Religious Fundamentalisms: The Case of Meem in Lebanon * An Overview of Fundamentalist Groups in Peru * Challenging Religious Fundamentalisms in Mexico: The Separation of Church and State and Reaffirmation of Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Rights * The Death of Ana Maria Acevedo: Rallying Cry for the Women’s Movement * Religious and Political Fundamentalisms as a Threat to Women’s Rights: Challenges in the Legislature in Brazil * Religious Fundamentalisms and the Therapeutic Abortion Protocol in Arequipa, Peru * Stones Aimed at Us: An Overview of the Discourse and Strategies of the Stop Stoning Forever Campaign * Religious Fundamentalisms and Communalism: The Case of Sahiyar * Associazione Luca Coscioni and the World Congress for Freedom of Scientific Research: An Italian Experience of Resisting Religious Fundamentalisms * Religious Fundamentalisms and Student Life: A View from Indonesia * Challenging the Growing Power of the Serbian Orthodox Church in Public Life: The Case of Women in Black-Serbia
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