Buch Monografie

The power of gender and the gender of power : explorations in early Indian history

Verfasst von: Roy, Kumkum
New Delhi: Oxford Univ. Press , 2011 , 386 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Roy, Kumkum
Ausgabe: 2. impr.
Jahr: 2011
Maße: 23 cm
ISBN: 0198066767
Sprache: Englisch
Drawing upon a range of textual traditions, this collection examines the significance of gender in the reconstruction of India's past. It goes beyond the simple binaries of a "high" or "low" status for women to explore the diversities and complexities of gender relations in early India. Kumkum Roy draws attention to distinct strategies through which identities of men and women were constituted. In The Power of Gender and the Gender of Power, she presents a gendered analysis of institutions and processes, ranging from the household to urbanism to renunciatory traditions to show how they remain critical for an understanding of early Indian history. The book also highlights the ways in which rituals were used for socialization as well as evidence for the subversion of the normative traditions. The author explores classic sastras - Manusmrti and Kamasutra along with a range of Sanskrit, Prakrit, and Pali literature, including texts and inscriptions - as much for what they expressly state as for their implications, tensions, and inconsistencies. She shows how such textual traditions were informed and structured by prevailing notions and conceptions of power. Table of Contents: Introduction. Section One: Towards Histories of Gender Relations 1. Of Theras and Theris: Visions of Liberation in the Early Buddhist Tradition 2. Women and Men Donors at Sanchi: A Study of the Inscriptional Evidence 3. The Other Ksetra-Some Aspects of Procreation and Peasantization in North India (c. 2nd Century BC to c. 2nd Century AD) 4. Defining the Household: Some Aspects of Prescription and Practice in Early India 5. Engendering the Urban World: An Investigation of Early Indian Textual Traditions 6. Re-Presenting the Courtesenal Tradition: An Exploitation of Early Historical Texts 7. Representation of Gender Relations in Early India: Exploring the Plays of Kalidasa 8. Turbulent Waves: Constructions of Gender Relations in the Rajatarangini of Kalhana 9. The Politics of Reproduction in Early India 10. Gender Relations During the First Millennium: An Overview. Section Two: Interrogating Textual Traditions 11. Marriage as Communication: An Exploration of Norms and Narratives in Early India 12. Legitimation and the Brahmanical Tradition: The Upanayana and the Brahmacarya In the Dharma Sutras 13. Invoking Authority: Investigating the Sastras 14. Searching for Humanity: The Case of the Manusmrti 15. The King's Household: Structure/Space in the Sastric tradition 16. Spatial Expressions of Socio-Political Relations: an Investigation of the Palace and Stupa in Early Historical India 17. Justice in the Jatakas 18. Domesticating the King: The Royal Household in Early North India 19. Unravelling the Kamasutra 20. The Making of a Mandala: Fuzzy Frontiers of Kalhana's Kashmir 21. The Artful Biographer - Sandhyakaranandins' Ramacaritam
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