Buch Monografie

Sex and Violence, or Nature and Art

Verfasst von: Paglia, Camille info
London: Penguin Books , 1995 , 60 S.
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Einrichtung: belladonna | Bremen
Signatur: B-847
Verfasst von: Paglia, Camille info
Jahr: 1995
Beschreibung: kart.
ISBN: 0146000242
Sprache: Deutsch
This book shows how much inculture goes against our best wishes. Integration of man's body and mind is a profound problem that is not about to be solved by recreational sex or an expansion of womens's civil rights. Incarnation, the limitation of mind by matter, is an outrage to imagination. Equally outrageous is gender, which we have not chosen but which nature has imposed upon us. Our physicality is torment, our body the tree of nature on which Blake sees us crucified.
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