Buch Monografie

Medicine stories : essays for radicals

Verfasst von: Levins Morales, Aurora
Durham: Duke University Press , 2019 , 232 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Link: Volltext
Verfasst von: Levins Morales, Aurora
Ausgabe: Revised and expanded edition
Jahr: 2019
Maße: 23 cm
ISBN: 1478003375
Sprache: Englisch
In this revised and expanded edition of Medicine Stories, Aurora Levins Morales weaves together insights and lessons learned over a lifetime of activism to offer a new theory of social justice. Calling for a politics of integrity that recognizes the complicated wholeness of individual and collective lives, Levins Morales delves among the interwoven roots of multiple oppressions, exposing connections, crafting strategies, and uncovering the wellsprings of resilience and joy. Throughout these twenty-eight essays—twenty-one of which are new or extensively revised—she exposes the structures and mechanisms that silence voices and divide movements. The result is a medicine bag full of techniques and perspectives to build a universal solidarity that is flexible, nuanced, and strong enough to fundamentally shift our world toward justice. Intimately personal and globally relevant, Medicine Stories brings clarity and hope to tangled, emotionally charged social issues in beautiful and accessible language.
Ecology is everything -- Bigger IS better -- My feminism -- Identity and solidarity -- The power of story -- The truths our bodies tell -- False memories -- The historian as curandera -- Night flying : power, memory, and magic -- What race isn't -- Racism -- The politics of childhood -- On not writing English -- Forked tongues -- Certified organic intellectual -- Ban me! -- The tribe of Guarayamín -- Taino citizenship -- Speaking of antisemitism -- BDS and me -- Puerto Ricans and Jews -- Class, privilege and loss -- Nadie La Tiene : land, ecology and nationalism -- Torturers -- Histerimonia -- Building radical soil -- Circle unbroken -- Tai.
First edition: South End Press, 1998
Enthält bibliographische Angaben und Index (225-232)
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