Buch Monografie

Feminist Theory : the intellectual traditions of american feminism

Verfasst von: Donovan, Josephine
New York: Frederick Ungar Puplishing Co. , 1985 , 237 S.

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Einrichtung: belladonna | Bremen
Signatur: B-828
Verfasst von: Donovan, Josephine
Jahr: 1985
Beschreibung: kart.
ISBN: 080442151X
Sprache: Deutsch
This is the first major study on the subject - a comprehensive survey and analysis of the roots and development of American feminist theory. The author shows how the ideas of the first major feminist theorists - Mary Wollstonecraft, Frances Wright, Sarah Grimke - were shaped by the Newtonian world view of the Enlightenment. The nineteenth century saw feminism becoming involved with larger social issues. Most importantly for a fuller understanding of works of feminists from the 1960s to the present, Professor Donovan underscores how profoundly the ideas of Freud, Marx, and the Existenstialists changed feminists' awareness of the societal forces that keep women oppressed.
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