Buch Monografie

Inside/Out : Lesbian Thepries, Gay Therories

Herausgegeben von: Fuss, Diana
New York (USA): Routledge

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Einrichtung: Lesbenarchiv Frankfurt | Frankfurt
Herausgegeben von: Fuss, Diana
Ausgabe: 1
ISBN: 0415902371
Sprache: Deutsch
Inside/Out is the first collection that specifically features the new theoretical work in lesbian and gay studies. Using a variety of theoretical approaches, the authors investigate representations of sex and sexual difference in literature, film, video, music, and photography. Looking at divas and dykes, vampires and qeens, these essays address issues of AIDS, pornography, pedagogy, authorship, and activism. Shifting the focus from sex to sexual orientation, Inside/Out provokes the reader to recinsider notions of sexual difference and the meaning of sexual identifications, setting in motion new conceptions of both the sexual and the political.
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